Saturday, December 12, 2009

Once upon a time there was a girl

who had a blog. The girl fancied herself something of an amateur writer. While her intentions were to spin out snarky posts in a timely fashion, she recognized her limitations and was instead, mostly content to let her stories spill forth in little hiccups throughout the months.

There came a time that a hiccup turned into something more along the lines of a coma. Almost 5 months passed with nary a word written. In those long quiet days, the girl turned thoughts and ideas over in her mind. "Perhaps I will write about this" she thought. And, "this would make an excellent blog post". Yet, she never brought herself to type the first letter.

Until, at last she said to herself "enough is enough, just write something already".

And so she did.

*Somewhere in that 5 month slumber she managed to waken long enough to have a family photograph taken by one immensely talented camera person*