Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Touching base...

1. Vienna was fabulous! Pictures and details coming soon.

2. Cammie has added more to our ongoing birds-and-bees discussion...those details too, shall follow.

3. Forrest has a girlfriend and they are going to a youth service and fellowship this weekend. Together. In the same car. Lord, help me. BUT, it is our car and we are going too...a nice old-fashioned "family date". We like the "make sure a bible can fit between you when you sit together" way of thinking. Fortunately our truck has captain's there is a nice wide aisle between them.

4. I know I am way behind on the photo blog. I know. It is causing me much woe. Oh, no. that tacky poem helping to distract you from the fact that I am way behind on the photo blog? The good news is...I have taken the pictures, I have a list, I am going to update...tomorrow! Fo' real.

5. I have a great life, and I am so thankful for it. It's something I think about on a regular basis, but I don't say it often enough. Life, is truly good.

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