Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lazy days of summer...not.

I cannot believe that it almost time for school to start again. While on one level, I must admit, it will be nice for things to go back to "normal", because let's face it, the hectic schedule of school is 10 months, and the floundering-where-did-the-day-go bustle of summer is only 2, school-hectic is actually "normal".

And, that means during "normal" months, I mostly know what to expect day in and day out. It is all recorded in my handy-dandy daytimer, and I can look back with satisfaction and know exactly "where September went" when it flew by.

Summer does not afford me the same sense of accomplishment. I look back at my calender, and find lots of empty boxes staring back at me. No day trips exploring backroads like last year (8 such excursions), nary a mention of the park or Bounce Factory.

Yet, we have been BUSY. This has been the busiest summer in the Suffridge family history. I guess this is what happens as the kids get older. I see lots of "prep work" recorded on the calender.

Things like camp (3 total, 2 for Forrest, and 1 for Hannah) and vacations (Mark and I on our NH trip, then the jaunt to Holiday World) require planning, paraphernalia and destination specific clothing, and all of that equals errands and those errands, equal time, lots and lots of precious time.

We have 24 days left until school starts back. I will be spending 4 of those at CHA in Chicago. We will be on our family vacation in Florida for 8 of those days. 2 days will be spent running errands pertaining to each of those trips, and 1 day will be spent shopping for school supplies.

9 days. 9 days to enjoy "lazy days" of summer. 9 days to spend quality time with the kids, to meander the day away with sidewalk chalk, bouncy balls, with Popsicles on the porch, running through the sprinkler and trying to teach them...and myself, how to slow down.

Now, I know family vacations count as quality time, (although the 9 hours in the car down and back do not count, because well, have you tried riding in a car with 5 kids for 9 hours), and I know that our trip to Holiday World definitely counts, but I am craving, long slow days of sunshine and wonderful nothingness that our kids will remember, days of just hanging out together and passing time.

Mark is making pancakes for lunch, the kids are helping, and there is nothing on the agenda for the day. Here's to slowing down...

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