Saturday, November 10, 2007

Confessions of a non-culinary sort...

I have come to realize something about myself. Something I have been in denial about for quite awhile. A thing that I have tried to convince myself could and should be changed... I do not like to cook.

I don't like the prep work, I don't like the clean up. I don't like trying new culinary trends, and I don't like wondering whether or not my "delish" dish is going to be as "delish" as Rachel Ray (who means well, I'm sure) promises.

Now, I am ready to admit, that it's not worth it to me to try out things that may or may not taste as good as I hope. That my family may or may not eat.

It's okay for me to admit that I am fresh out of ideas when it comes to creating a healthy meal in the limited amount of time I have before karate, church or scouts in the evening.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes cooking is pleasurable. I actually enjoy laboring over lasagna...and I do find pleasure in mixing up a hearty pot of chili (maybe that's because those are two things that I have actually mastered). Unfortunately, man cannot live by chili and lasagna alone.

Luckily for me, I am now saved from the anguish and frustration that I have been tormenting myself with. No more guilt over entirely too many dinners out. No more wondering what all of the preservatives we have been inhaling are going to do to our bodies. No more sacrificing half of the food pyramid in favor of speed and ease. Most of all, no more beating myself up over not being enough like Rachel, Paula, Martha or Sandra.

I have found something to soothe not only my poor spatula beaten ego, but also my nutritional guilt. I have found:

(Cue the choir of heavenly voices singing "hallelujah, hallelujah, hal-le-lu-jahhhh").

The lovely people at SupperThyme will prepare my entrees for me. Family friendly fare made with fresh ingredients, in a variety of tastes and all I have to do is call in my choices, swing by and pick them up, thaw, heat, and serve. Oh yes, now we're cookin'.

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