Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree...

The matchy-matchy tree has been trimmed. Yes, I know the suspense has been killing you. Believe me, it was killing me to have to wait to put it up.

I am happy to report that I am almost over my faux-tree phobia. If I close my eyes and inhale, the bonus room almost smells like pine. Okay, no it doesn't. I'm thinking about buying a pine-scented candle...or hiding a bough from our "big" tree under the bonus room tree skirt to help trick my senses into believing that a faux (doesn't faux sound so much classier than fake) tree is indeed as good as a real tree.

Also, I am proud of the fact that I assembled the tree all by myself. (That just sounds weird... up until now, I thought that God was the only one who assembled trees). After fluffing each branch, after standing back one hundred and ten times to make sure that there were no "holes", after asking Forrest (who is a 13 year old boy and could really care less) if he noticed any holes, or if he thought it was leaning a little to the left, and after making sure that it was secure enough that no one would yell "TIM-berrr" out of fear that they were about to be felled by a faux tree...I was happy.

Here are the pics in all their frou-frou glory:

I love, love, love the black glittery star and the red frou-frou fringe...yum!

The little guy above makes me smile every time I see him. Lovin' the curvy hat.

And there you have it. A snowman themed, matchy-matchy, frou-frou tree.
Now, I am off to bed. We have to be at the airport at early o'clock in the morning. We are headed to Chicago. Forrest and Hannah are making their first trip to Chi-town with us. Unfortunately there was not a turkey to be found in all of the Windy City, so we will be having dinner at Fulton's...a seafood restraunt. I am looking on the bright side and focusing on the fact that while we won't be dining on traditional Thanksgiving fare, we will be eating something other than $4 M&M's and $7 peanuts out of the mini-bar.

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