Monday, December 10, 2007

Shady Acres- Home For The Infirm

Bet ya didn't know we were going into the convalescent business, did ya? That's okay, neither did we.

Our new adventure started on Saturday December 1st.

Mark's mom is building a house down the street from us. She had sold her old house and had to be out by the 1st. The new house is supposed to be finished the first week of January. The plan was for her to stay with us until her house was available.

We spent all day on the 1st moving her into a POD and our house. That evening, she fell asleep on our couch. She has back trouble and we were worried that sleeping on our very attractive but not so comfortable sectional would aggravate the, we woke her up to go to bed.

Half way up the stairs...she fell. Hard. She hit her head on the hardwood floors and was knocked unconscious. There was a lot of blood, her eyes were open and she wasn't responding.

We called 911 and rushed her to the hospital. A neighbor came to stay with Cammie, Chloe and Forrest...who all saw it happen, (thank God for good neighbors).

After several hours, it was determined that she had a concussion and that she had shattered her heel. The doctors were not too concerned with her concussion, but very concerned with her heel.

Evidently, your heel is one of the worst possible bones to break in your body. Who knew?

We brought her home and spent Sunday and Monday renting a wheel chair, buying crutches, building a wheelchair ramp and making appointments with the Orthopedic Specialist.

Her appointment with the specialist was set for Tuesday.

Tuesday morning, Cammie woke up with her eyes matted shut. Chloe had one eye semi-matted. Lovely.

Instead of the Orthopedic doctor, I was on my way to the pediatrician. One case of pink eye (Cammie), one case of an eye cold (Chloe) and some serious fluid behind ears (Chloe again), we were on our way home.

Chloe has been nearly deaf for almost a week. She collects fluid behind her ears due to some weird thing with her adenoids. She is having her tonsils and adenoids removed and tubes put in her ears the day after Christmas. Hopefully that will help with her hearing problems...that, or we are going to have to get the poor kid a hearing aid. The volume that we have to talk in order for her to understand us, plus the level of volume on the TV required for her to hear it, are creating some serious noise pollution around here.

Okay, so while I am getting all of the good EYE news, Mark is hearing from the Ortho doctor that his moms foot is too swollen to do surgery on. That she has to come back the following Tuesday (tomorrow) for a recheck. That after the surgery, she won't be able to walk or drive for 3 months.

Over the weekend, Hannah had a migraine and a stomach ache.

This morning, I went to wake Chloe up for school...and she was covered in a red rash. I called the doctor's office. The lady on the phone said that it was probably Fifths Disease, but I could bring her in if I wanted to.

Is it Fifths Disease? Where she can go back to school tomorrow because once the rash appears, you're not contagious? No. Of course not. She has Scarlet Fever (basically strep with a rash). Where she has to stay home at least through Wednesday. Where I can't finish my Christmas shopping by my deadline of December 11th. Where we have to miss THE most important Girl Scout meeting of the year (the one where I explain to all the parents the ins and outs of selling Girl Scout Cookies).

I'm not sure here, but I think that caring for people with pink eye, an eye cold, migraines, stomach viruses, wheelchair bound heel injuries, strep throat, scary skin rashes, tonsil/adenoidectomy, tubes in their ears, and a little "snip snip" procedure (that would be Mark) in less than a one month span qualifies us as a convalescent center.

One thing I can say for sure... life is interesting.

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