Friday, December 21, 2007

A shout out to Mrs. Clause...

I was thinking the other day (yes, I know that can be scary) about this whole Santa thing. And while I love Santa and realize that without his financial backing, well there wouldn't be a workshop around here. I do however have an observation or two to make. Like, the fact that Mrs. Clause rarely receives the credit she deserves and seemingly plays a supporting roll next to his leading one.


1-Santa, checks his list TWICE.
Mrs. Clause, no less that 27 times.

2-Mrs. Clause makes the list. Without her, he wouldn't have a list to check once, much less

3-Mr. Clause doesn't actually read the list, it is read to Mrs. Clause.

4-Mrs. Clause, not Santa hires the elves. (That would be the babysitter that turns into wrapper
elf when the Mrs. realizes that she can't possibly wrap all the gifts herself and that Mr. Clause
would be content to slap a bow on the plastic Target bag that Mrs. Clause's gift came in).

5-Santa does not realize the delicate balance of the equal amount of presents to equal value of
present ratio that his children understand and are quick to point out.

6-Mr. Clause doesn't know whose been naughty or nice unless he gets his evening report...from
the Mrs.

7-Mrs. Clause also oversees the decorating, the catering, and the mandatory appearances.
Santa, merely nods in approval (if he notices), passes out a compliment on the tastiness, and
shows up.

8-Santa really doesn't have a clue as to what an age appropriate gift is, which girl is into Hannah
Montana and which is into High School Musical.

Now, the positives... Santa is definitely trainable...he is now quite adept at stuffing Mrs. Clause's stocking, buying her gifts before Christmas Eve and funding the Christmas Workshop that is ran by the Mrs.


Anonymous said...

stuffing mrs. clause?

Anonymous said...

that comment has to be Nathan's!

Anonymous said...

who is nathan?