Tuesday, June 5, 2007

It doesn't seem possible...

This one...

...had to be registered for kindergarten today.

I have never been an "over-the-top, overly emotional, extremely sentimental" type of mom. Maybe it's because the first three were independent from the beginning. It could be the fact that the last three were born within a three year period, and as soon as one was moving out of a phase, another was entering it.

Chloe has always been the clingy one. The one to hang back, want help, need guidance... and now, here it is, tangible evidence that she is growing up.

And, I find myself emotional and sentimental.

(She's a very cute big girl, though...if I do say so myself).


lesliel said...

Wow! They grow up fast don't they?! I didn't cry when my first son started kindergarten, but when that year was over, I sat in the car and cried like a baby. We loved his teacher and I was scared of first grade and big school. And now, next week, he registers for college!
Is she excited?

Jennifer said...

They grow soooooooooo fast... I can't believe I have a 8 year old almost.... WOW...

Carol said...

Chloe is a beautiful girl. It was especially poignant to see her baby picture first.

My youngest just finished her last year of elementary school. Where in the world has all that time gone? The school has been great to us and I have to admit that I am going to miss them.

One tradition we have that was suggested to me is that I take a picture of each my two daughters together in the same spot on the first day of school each year. It has been wonderful looking at those pictures in succession and watching them grow. :-)