Saturday, June 2, 2007

To blog or not to blog...

Hmmm... well, this is odd. Trying to think of something to type...something witty, something catchy, something interesting. Hmmm...still drawing a blank.

So, why start a blog with nothing in mind to write about, you ask.

Well, because we are going on vacation in exactly one week and twelve hours... and we are hoping that this will help Chloe and Cammie adjust to us being gone for a week (read: not be too whiney. read: make us feel less guilty during check-in phone calls).

Besides that, I have been thinking about it for awhile, and well, I read enough of them, might as well join in...right?


Jennifer said...

I can't believe we are bloggers now... Ha-ha... Love it!

DecepticonSage said...

witty, catchy AND interesting.....Sarcasm is easier to pull off.

Destry said...'s only easier if you're good at it. (Admittedly, I am pretty good).