Saturday, March 28, 2009

Way Back Wednesday...on Saturday.

How many of you guessed that I would miss Way Back "Wednesday"? Never mind, don't answer that.

I feel bad about disappointing everyone that clicked over here on Wednesday expecting a blast from my past. (Okay, so there were probably five people that clicked over...but don't tell me that, my fragile self-esteem can't handle the knowledge that only five people read my blog).

Anyhoo... I thought I would try to make it up to you five by posting some priceless pics of...myself.

Let me preface this picture posting by telling you that the following were taken at age 17. At 17, I had several body piercings, my hair changed color on a monthly basis, and I was opposed to any type of UV light touching my skin (and therefore my complexion was a whiter shade of pale). To say that I was not the "Glamour Shots" type of gal would be a huge understatement... but my mother-in-law (at the time) prodded me into going.

And now...without further ado...I present: Glamour Shots!!!

Okay, if I am being objective, I would have to say that this first picture isn't too bad. The mushroom puff hair-do does leave something to be desired, but in general it's not terrible.

Moving on... shot number two...

Oooohhhh...look at the red finger nails. Why did they tell me to hold up four fingers? Does this strike anyone else as odd? Nevermind that this picture also accentuates the fact that I was in dire need of having my roots "done".

Photo numero three...or what I refer to as "Peacock Pose"...

Seriously, what is up with the feather boa? Why am I holding it above my head? I look like a turquoise and white peacock in dire need of having it's roots done.

Now, for the fourth and final pose.

Perhaps their intentention was to make me look like some sort of biker babe...hmmm...not so much.

I remember posing for this picture. Not only did I have to don an itchy emarald green bustier...but I was required to bend in contortions of an unnatural nature in order to get my head to look straight on my asymmetricaly bent shoulders. Perhaps I had to hold my shoulders in that position in order to offset the weight of the ginormous chandelier earrings?


kaeleigh said...

This is hilarious!!! I remember when that 1st one was hanging on grandmas wall!! hahahahahaha

Renee Camacho said...

Mighty gorgeous, hon! :)