Thursday, October 23, 2008


Conversation #1:

Scene: In the truck...on the way home from school.

Cammie: "See that tree over there".

Chloe: "Which one"?

Cammie: "That one with no leaves".

Chloe: "Yes".

Cammie: "If it has no leaves, that means it's BARE. BARE means no leaves on the branches. You can't call a tree with no leaves a naked butt because that would hurt it's feelings".

Conversation #2:

Scene: Chloe coughing as she reads aloud to me while I check my email. Cammie stands next to Chloe looking at the pictures in her book.

Chloe: cough-cough "I need some cough drops, I've been coughing alot".

Cammie: buuuuurrrrrrrrpppppp!!!! "I need some burp drops, I've been burping alot".


Renee Camacho said...

this is absolutely hilarious...too cute

Anonymous said...

I over heard a conversation today too.
Scene: Cammie is trying to get on an inflatable that has age restrictions.

Attendant: You have to be an elementary school kid.
Cammie: You have to catch me.

In she went.