Monday, January 4, 2010

"Let go..."

Last year I chose "better" as my word of the year. How did it go you ask? Hmmm... let's see...I'd say it went about as well as my word of the previous year which was "discipline" (please, hold your laughter).

For the last few weeks I have been mulling over my word of 2010. Today I had an epiphany of sorts. I was on the phone with a friend, describing a step that I have taken in an effort to let go of some of my perfectionist tendencies. When I said the words "let go", I swear the sun shone a bit brighter.

Here are somethings I'm working on letting go:
-toxic relationships
-past hurts
-past failures
-worrying about what other people think
-perfectionism that paralyzes
-bad habits
-negative thoughts
-worry and anxiety over people and situations that I can't change
-fear of failure
-pounds (of course you knew that would be on the list)
-worry about falling off of all of the wagons I'd like to stay on

For the first time in a really long time I feel hopeful and excited about the days ahead.

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