Friday, February 22, 2008


I want to apologize for not updating on more frequent basis.

Before the apology, I would like to explain why I don't post on a regular basis... (I actually do post on a regular basis...every two weeks or so, but I realize that may be less regular than some would like).

In general, I am a perfectionist with Obsessive Compulsive tendencies. At some point, I got it into my head that I should only post in these three instances:

1. I had something important to report.

2. I had something witty to say.

3. We (our family) did something fun and interesting and worthy of sharing.

And, if you have OCD, you know that it is very difficult to override something that you have "gotten in your head".

There have been a few times over the last few days that I have thought about posting even though my criteria were not met.

Actually, my last post didn't meet the criteria, but I was frustrated, and thought that this would be a great place to vent and posted anyway.

So, today, I was getting my hair "done" (by my wonderfully talented, extremely cute and wildly entertaining sister...yes, that was a shameless plug for her me if you want her business card)...

Where was I, hair, oh yes. So, she mentioned that she had showed my blog to our cousin. (This was a good sign that she found my blog mildly entertaining and therefore worth sharing...hmm...maybe I should post more often).

She goes on to say that the post about Hot Yoga made her laugh out loud...more than once. (Yes, I should post more often...).

And then, she says "That last thing you wrote...the thing about the cookies?"

Me "Yeah"?

She "That one wasn't funny." (Oh yeah, I'll definitely be posting more often).

Me "Well, sorry I disappointed you".

She "Don't worry, I'll still read it (gee, thanks) , I'm nosey".

Not sure if that conversation has helped me decide to post more often or not...

Moving on...

Okay, so, what can I report on...

Family outings:

When we were at the circus last month, we saw an advertisement for the Toughest Cowboy Rodeo. We had never been to a rodeo before, so we decided to take the kids. They LOVED it. Especially the horses. The lighting was off, so I didn't get many great pics...but here is one I like:

Cammie had Pajama Day at school. She looked exceptionally cute, if I do say so myself...

We went to orientation at JPII earlier this week. Due to his report card grades, we were expecting Forrest to be placed in the CP (college prep) classes, which are basically regular high school classes. We were surprised to find out that he was placed in ALL Advanced classes. Evidently his scores on the entrance exam were phenomenal. This means that he will be able to take AP classes beginning next year for college credit.

Now, if we can convince him that it is actually necessary to complete and turn in homework, we'll be all set.

Hmm...what else...oh, tomorrow is our last day of cookie booths. After tomorrow, I will be able to park my truck in the garage again, and other than a few more money things, and deposit things, we will be FINISHED with all things cookie.

And now, for that apology...I apologize. I will work on being a better blogger.


Linda said...

Actually my DD and I were discussing this just this morning...and I said 'what we DON'T want to happen is that BLOGS become yet ANOTHER THING for people to start thinking they MUST do and they become not something they do for just enjoyment , but another thing to feel guilty about if they don't get done!' Because at some point that is not good. And the fact that other people expect you to keep 'em coming, really shouldn't effect your Blog Performance. But I did just beg my niece to update hers so I could see the Twins...the last post was HALLOWEEN! you know what I mean?

Tammy Batson said...

The cool thing about YOUR blog/journal ... is that's what it is ... YOURS! And actually you are allowing us as readers to peer into your journal ... so ... don't worry about "anonymous" and their comments ... wonder if "anonymous" has a blog?! Probably not! ... "anonymous" is too busy reading all of ours!!!! Enjoy life and blog/journal when you feel like it! =0)