Thursday, February 28, 2008

She's got a point...

Background: Cammie is obsessed with why God "gave" us things (and death, but that's a story for another day). She is constantly asking us why God wanted us to name her Cammie, why God chose Forrest to be her brother, why He wants us to live in this house, why He gave her freckles...and on and on and on. the car... Cammie is wearing a blue hoodie sweatshirt that she forgot that she owned. It has little flowers embroidered all over it, and she loves it.

She says "God gave me this hoodie because He loves me and wanted me to have it, right"?

I say "Welllll, no baby. Mommy got you that sweatshirt because she thought you would look cute in it". (In my mind, I was thinking that technically He gave us the funds to purchase the sweatshirt, but I wasn't realy in the mood to get into the in depth discussion that was sure to follow if I mentioned that).

Chloe says "Actually, He did. He gave us the cotton that made her hoodie".

How clever is she?


Renee Camacho said...

very very clever little girl! I've always thought she'd be that clever!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

now how are you going to trick those two? holy cats...that's good reasoning.

i love it when kids just want to give God all the glory. even for things like hoodie sweatshirts.